Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Autumn is still being a sweet big sister. She told me to take a picture of her and the babies. I showed her the picture and she said it was beautiful.

Chad wanted to dress Landon and he gave him this mohawk.

Riley is doing better since she got out of the hospital. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and support for her.


  1. Hi,
    Glad Riley is doing fine. She is too cute. Wonder what Landon was dream about? Such a BIG smile! Autumn seems to be enjoying herself. I can just imagine the words coming from the book she's reading her sister and brother! Funny! Keep posting, and I'll keep blogging. Never done this before. Fun.
    Love You,

  2. What happened to Riley? I didn't know about anything!
    Even so, I'm glad she's doing better.
    The babies are so precious! And Miss Autumn is definitely owning up to her title as the Big Sister. Sweet things!

    I'll be home February 20-22. I'll give you a call!


  3. P.S. I loved the mohawk on Landon when he was in the hospital and I think it looks even better now! :D
