Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

Here are a few pictures with their eyes open.


  1. they're so sweet. i can't wait to see them again! i hope autumn is adjusting well to being a big sister!

    love, love, love,

  2. Sorry it took so long. Hey, they were posted on
    my birthday. How sweet. They are absolutely
    beautiful. Autum appears to be loving it. I can't wait to see the new additions. My students went absolutely goo goo. Naturally there had to be a few "clueless" ones that thought that there were "8" babies instead of "2". You'd have to meet them to understand that. I quickly corrected them. HA! Keep posting, and the next time you'll come to the coast, please stop by. Give the three of them a kiss from us. Howard said that you have your hands full! I guess. Love you, Evelyn and Howard.
