Sunday, January 18, 2009

Riley and Landon's First Bath

This is Riley's first bath and she loved it. She just laid back and enjoyed the warm water while her big sister helped.
Landon on the other hand was not as happy about his first bath like his big sister Riley.

Autumn wanted to help with his bath too. She has been a great big sister to Riley and Landon.


  1. I knew Autumn would be a big help! They're already looking so different. They're just getting cuter by the minute!

    Morgan Ricks

  2. Autumn & Riley are definitely my nieces. They both LOVE baths!!! Langdon seems to be more of a shower man :)

    They are sooooo cute. Can't wait to spoil them. Tell My Little Diva I said hi. Give everyone a kiss from me and their Uncle John.

    See ya soon.
